Mark Owers BSc (Hons) DC MMCA
I became interested in chiropractic at the age of 21 whilst struggling with a chronic cycling injury. My left knee was very problematic and prevented me from participating in the sports I loved (cycling and cricket). After a couple of years I started to suffer with back pain because my knee pain was affecting my general movement. As most people do I went to see my GP who referred me to a consultant. After several consultations with orthopaedic specialists, cortisone injections, a mountain of ‘pain-killers’ and an operation, things had not improved, in fact my overall health had taken a nose dive.
Call 07899 967558 or email info@broadlandchiropractic.com.
My Introduction to Chiropractic
During this time I was studying in Liverpool for my first degree in biology. A friend recommended I see a chiropractor after seeing how much pain I was in after a game of cricket. I needed help and the conventional route had not helped. I am so glad I acted on my friend’s advice, it changed my life.
After a course of treatment with a local chiropractor I felt better, my flexibility had improved and I felt happy again. My chiropractor had helped me as a whole person, not a set of individual symptoms, and that was one of the most powerful influences in my decision to train as a chiropractor. After graduating in Liverpool I knew I would be studying again very soon!
Home Life
I am fortunate to enjoy living where I spent my childhood, in North Norfolk. I choose a lifestyle that is balanced and as close to the one nature intended as possible. This includes regular exercise, a healthy diet and relaxation. I grew up cycling in the countryside and continue to do so today and often enter cycling events to raise money for charity. I eat natural foods that are locally sourced where possible and enjoy gardening so I grow some of my own food.
I have continued with my own chiropractic care and consider it to be essential for my health. Regular chiropractic care is like regular dental checks or having a car serviced, prevention is better than cure. Chiropractic is so much more than pain relief, it’s about being well, being the best you can be, as nature intended.
Chiropractic is a career I love. Chiropractic helps me be the best I can be. It’s an honour to help so many people get their lives ‘back on track’ as I did over 20 years ago. If you think I can help you, please feel free to give me a call.
07899 967558
Best wishes & good health
Mark Owers
Chiropractic Education
I began my studies to become a chiropractor at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic in Oxford. The chiropractor who had helped me had trained at this college so I had total faith in this technique (see McTimoney technique page for details). The McTimoney College of Chiropractic delivers training in the Science, Philosophy and Art of Chiropractic and has courses in both human and animal Chiropractic. On qualifying I returned to my home county of Norfolk and started my practices in Norwich and North Norfolk.